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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Soccer Clip

Here's a AWESOME video of all the goals in clip. he 2010 world cup. Although the video is about 1 hour and a half long, you can just speed up to a certain part in the clip. You can see some of the best and most skilled soccer players in this video.

Favorite Soccer Player

Personally my favorite soccer player is Messi. Although, Messi is hurt, when hes healthy hes always on his game making a difference. Because Messi on FC Barcelona, I think he influences the team, for example, I think Messi influences David Villa encouraging him to be the player he is. Who's your favorite Soccer player?

Blog Questions to YOU

I know my blog will and is boring at the beginning, but I can make it WAY better if you answer a few simple questions.

  • How can I improve my blog?
  • What topics interest you?
  • From a rating 1 being it bores you to death, and 10 being its awesome, the best blog?
  • Do I post enough?
  • Should I make a section where you give me tips?
  • Where should I improve? What should I keep?

Blog News

Have you ever had something and wanted TONS of people to know about it? If so, this is one of those things I want TONS of people to follow and comment. The more you comment and follow and  the more people come to visit my blog the more I will blog. It would be a awesome birthday present if we could get to 10 comments, and 150 page views by the end of the week.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Well, this is my church. I'm christian and I LOVE IT. Last Sunday, in my Sunday school, my Sunday school teacher asked a question about how GOD created the earth. I answered and a few other kids answered too. Turns out, if I answered that question correctly I would be able to have a free pass to the museum of nature and science. Now, in January, I will be attending with my Sunday school teacher a tour guide at the museum.


Last Saturday, was the MLS cup. The two teams in the finals where Sporting Kansas City  verses Real Salt Lake. This was a exciting, fast pace game. To start, at the 52th minute,  Á. Saborío scores for Real Salt Lake. In the 76th minute, A. Collin from Sporting KC scores. This 1-1 tie goes into overtime still with no score. Then, penalty kicks. To start, Sporting Kansas City takes their kick and scores, then, Real Salt Lake misses, and Sporting KC makes the goal, now, Real Salt lake misses their next shot then Sporing KC misses their next 2 and Real Salt Lake makes their next 2. Then, for the next 6 shots both teams miss their shots and make their shots in unison. Until the 10th shot. Sporting KC makes their 10th shot with all the pressure on Real Salt Lake. To Sporting KC's amaze, Real Salt Lake misses their shot which leaves Sporting Kansas City with their 2nd MLS cup win. This game was a great game to watch because all these players know the game of soccer. Every touch of these players is meaningful and smart. Each of these players is extremely good and skilled. I highly recommend watching the Major League Soccer Association.


Paintball. Have you ever played this heart pounding game? Well I have. Last sunday, at Dynamic Paintball, (Heres their website I played with a defender and a center midfield on my soccer team. Paintball is a game similar to soccer. It involves a lot of teamwork, to shoot all the enemy players, integrity, because you have to go out if you get shot, and perseverance, because you're running around with mask, tons of clothing, and a 6 point paintball gun. Soccer has all of these attributes plus much more. I ended up getting shot in the goggles 4 times, in the back 4 times in the foot 2 times and in the hand 4 times, and the paintball gut 2 times. That day, i was a paintball magnet. Paintball is a fun game to play and to learn. Their is also tons respawn games, which means, if you get shot, you go back to your base and you're back in the game.